Sunday, June 28, 2015

Transparency and naturopath

A balancing act. I've learned how to smile and nod and simply say "I'm doing fine"  or just "well thank-you" when asked how I am. The way I am face to face is so different than how I am in writing. I don't have to see your eyes (look in 'dem eyes) or admit that I slept like crap. I admit, I used to put everything on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Just recently, I've pulled back and rarely post on Facebook anymore.  Not because I don't want you to know, but, how much is too transparent? How much info is too much? Do people really care? So if you care, shoot me a note, I'll respond! 
I've found a naturopath. She's fantastic!
With headaches increasing and still being so very tired, my GP was only increasing my meds to fix things. His constant answer to my exhaustion was sleep apnea. I've been tested, no I don't! (It's right there in my file)
I inquired with my Dr about some things I'd researched specifically (after some blood work came back), and he was quick to point out that most naturopaths are quacks. Let me have you understand, I really like my Dr, a lot. He's very compassionate. He listens. I know that most things on the net are posted by quacks, I get it!
Anyhoo, I decided to consult a naturopath. Bloodwork and a visit later. There are some (ok, many) answers. She's working with me on all sorts of things. Mostly getting my sleeping better and exhaustion under control. I'm anemic. Like on a scale of 70, I'm an 8. That's a failing grade!!!! I had some other items that are of concern that she is working on with me. Together we are getting this body back in fighting form!!

Thanks for reading! 
Love love!

Ps if you're 45 and having night sweats, go have your hormones checked, it's not normal!!!


  1. I'm so glad that you found someone that listens to you and doesn't feel like meds are the only answer. I know that sometimes they are, but if there is an underlying issue that can be worked on without forcing you into a groggy-haze.... I'm all for it! Good for you for wanting a more realistic treatment plan!

  2. good for you. meds are not the answer to every question that's for sure. hope you can find a 'forever' answer that works for you and makes you feel well and helps to calm those headaches for you.

  3. Your naturopath sounds brilliant, how great that you found her. I am sure there's a place for both regular and alternative approaches in healing.

  4. Your naturopath sounds brilliant, how great that you found her. I am sure there's a place for both regular and alternative approaches in healing.
