Tuesday, May 12, 2015

"Blog like no one is reading"

I loved this title left in a comment left by my sweet cousin Sally, from England.  So, from here on in, I will write this way.  Some good, some bad and some down right ugly. Good times!  Thank you Sally (and others) for encouraging me to voice my thoughts in such a way <3

Brain Group:  Yes there is such a thing!  We are a group of people who all have brain injuries who get together once a month and discuss how we are working towards our new normal (don't get me really started on that word!!). How to cope with my new limitations is my biggest kryponite... I should, I used to, I'm stupid, what an idiot. All things that are or have been part of my vocabulary or thought patterns.  Brain group, run by Fraser Valley Brain Injury Assoc, has taught me that while all of those things I used to do may not be in my wheel house any more, I have other things that I'm good at and I get to focus more on those.  It's taken a long while to come "out of the woods" and see the forest behind me.  

Reading is an issue.  I haven't read a book since my surgery.  While I wasn't an avid reader before, I certainly read.  I love Jodi Picoult books....LOVE THEM!  I've been working on the book Wild now for a month and I'm on page 15. gah!!! I can't focus on the words, they float everywhere and make zero sense to me.  Does that sound dumb?  Sure does to me!!  So far, great book though :)

I still can't do much gardening without days of headaches but I love gardening, I really love it!  It's the upside down thing, headaches like you wouldn't even believe.   So I just know that I have to have a couple of quiet days after gardening days.  Seems odd to the 'old' me but it's the way it is.  That being said, I plowed through (pun intended) my gardening this weekend with Cam's help and got the majority of it done.  Now I rest!

I had a lovely Mother's Day too!  Cam bought me some treats and Sarah sent me a beautiful video where she sang for me.  I had ugly tears!  Then our whole family (minus Sarah) arrived to celebrate the Moms in our family around the pool and on our deck.  Dwayne, Jarrod and Stu did the cooking which was lovely.

Happy Mother's Day 2015!
Love Diane


  1. For different reasons, I have been reading the same book since January and I'm barely halfway.. doesn't sound dumb at all. At least we're still reading! :) Love you and so glad you had awesome family time on Mother's Day. xoxo

  2. Now this post kind of made it more real to me. I would so hate not to be able to read anymore, and although gardening isn't something I love, I was imagining, as I read your words, suddenly not being able to do something that I did love, like sewing for example, and it is a horrible thought. I have a bad feeling that I would just sink into a deep depression :( So I am now very much feeling for you. I'm glad that you have a useful support group, and even more glad that you have such a wonderful family around you. And I'm hoping it won't be too long before you have Sarah back for the Summer XXX

  3. Oh, and I'm glad the 'blog like no one is reading' thing appealed to you! X

    1. Sarah won't be home for summer. Her program is continuous, so she was home for 3 weeks just recently and that's it for a while. Thank goodness for modern technology!!!
