Monday, July 27, 2015

Paying attention...

I have the attention span of a knat. My mum will say I always did (I'm sure my dad will agree) but now I get exhausted when I get to my "glazed over point". At brain group this morning, we had a discussion about this. I've become increasingly frustrated with my inability to stay on task longer than about 90mins. I get exhausted. My brain needs a break. I yawn. I could put my head down and nap at that very moment!
The other day during a business meeting at our home, we were working with an IT guy on some items and I was suddenly done. I knew this. I wandered off and did laundry, hoping this would help focus didn't. I tried to get back into the meeting. Flitting off to do other things here and there to try to re-constitute my energy didn't work. I was told by other ABI people this morning next time to sit quietly for 10 mins or so and rest, it'll help more than moving to another task. Noted. Brain breaks...needed!

On another note, BC Hop Company had been born! We've got Valley Hops going strong and now BC Hop Co is moving up. We are getting into the floral sector with our hops now, breweries In the fall and the culinary world next spring. It is exciting and wonderful to be focusing on such amazing growth of farming and revitalization! Check us out of fb, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. 

I'm off to nap now after my brain group session this morning. That is a mentally taxing 2 hours too. 

I hope you are enjoying summer fun with family and friends!!


Wednesday, July 8, 2015

July 9...or is it the 8th

July 9th is the date that Dwayne and I have been together since we started dating. We've always thought it was the 9th until he found an old day timer (anyone remember those??) and the 8th was marked with a memo, "date with Diane".  So now, I think we should celebrate both!! Tee hee

This year is 27 years since that first date. Hard to believe really. I don't seem old enough.  He was 16 and I was 18 (ya, ya, I'm the older but not wiser woman!). Crazy to look at our kids and their ages and know that we were already connected. 

I can't believe how things have changed in our lives and in the world in these years. The path has been bumpy at times but it's always been an adventure and full of love and promise. 

Love!! Di